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Group that lost IL marriage fight sticks to same extreme rhetoric that led them to lose

by Jeremy Hooper

Gay people are living just so that we can ruin Laurie Higgins' TV viewing appearances, leading the IFI researcher to believe Christians should oppose our public acceptance the way they might oppose incest or slavery.

It's just another day at IFI, Illinois' local version of a national political movement that went completely off the rails in 2013:

Screen Shot 2013-12-30 At 4.51.00 Pm

First off all, we are talking about parade of over the top floats made out of flowers. Not to be stereotypical, but floral arrangements and gay men have a long history. Can we please stop acting like these two are turning some long held bastion of heterosexuality into a gay utopia? This thing's always been pretty darn open to those boys who made like the softer petals than they do the rougher pigskin.

But that said, let me please remind Ms. Higgins that folks like me love it—L.O.V.E. it!—when she equates marriages like mine with brother-mother sex or human slavery. It may be the kind of rhetoric that gets her a few "Hell yeahs!" and "Darn rights!" at local Americans For Truth galas, but when Laurie looks beyond the myopia of a movement that's always been much more about moxie than about merit, she might start to realize that rhetoric like hers is PRECISELY why we LGBT activists are winning—and BIG!

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