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Head of org. that leads national fight against *civil* marriage equality: Homosexuality is 'not logical,' 'degrading to the human soul'
Here is the latest from National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown, the man who has leads the anti-equality movement in its opposition to civil marriage equality:
"Well guess what — homosexuality IS a sin in the bible, and virtually every other sacred text out there. Engaging in homosexual sex IS considered by God to be sinful according to the teachings of most religions. And sin is NOT logical. Sin is deceitful, harmful and degrading to the human soul."
—NOM prez Brian Brown, taking to NOM Blog to defend a man who equated homosexuality with bestiality and insinuated that Blacks were just fine and happy in Jim Crow south
Weird, Brian—we never hear you be so frank in your campaign ads in any of the states or when you appear on mainstream media to pretend that NOM is anything other than a faith-motivated, animus-driven organization opposed to homosexuality in general. Hopefully this is a new leaf for you, and 2014 will be the year that you finally, at long last, admit what NOM truly is.