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In fury to attack gay moms and dads, anti-gay group continues to demean single parents

by Jeremy Hooper

After ten weeks of being a parent with an equally dedicated spouse, this writer has come to one conclusion: Single parents perform a nearly impossible act.
Parenting is a 24/7 job, with a level of commitment far exceeding anything I have ever known. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to go it alone.

Yet amazing single parents rise to the challenge on a daily basis, bringing up awesome kids with all the right gifts. Like all dedicated parents, they deserve our respect. They certainly don't deserve the indignity of supposedly faith-driven special interest groups telling their children that they are somehow deprived or even broken because they do not have an opposite-sex duo at the head of their household.

Yet that is exactly the message that the rabidly anti-LGBT Alliance Defending Freedom is sending via its latest smear graphic. In its ongoing quest to attack loving gay parents like myself, the ADF is actually telling America that all parents, straight or gay, who fall outside of the ADF's limited spectrum of acceptability are doing damage to their kids:

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It's just so gross. Actual human kids see stuff like this. When kids who do not have a male and female team of parents at the head of their household see this stuff, how does it make them feel? Why would an organization supposedly concerned with child welfare be so focused on casting a myopic model that they know does not, cannot, and will not define the full slate of families? Why are they so hellbent on exclusion when even a young child can see that the choice to foster a community of understanding would be of far better benefit?

"Alliance"? Sure, if you sign on to an exceedingly limited agenda. If not, you are cast down and out, written off as somehow losing at this whole life thing.

"Defending"? Well maybe, if you are a conservative, heterosexual Christian in a "traditional marriage." Otherwise, prepare yourself for offenses—often deep ones.

"Freedom"? Only if it looks, walks, and talks very much like discrimination.

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