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Org. that's rooted in a mistake knocks writer who made a simple one
Edward Graham is a journalist who writes words for money. I'm pretty sure he knows the difference between "your" and "you're."
But leave it to the reliably reductive PFOX (Parents and Friends of "Ex-gays") organization to take an obvious typo and turn it into a whole campaign. In response to an email that Mr. Graham, a writer with the National Education Association's NEA Today publication, sent the anti-scientific, highly offensive, deservedly discredited organization in which he requested that PFOX "Please stop sending us you’re [sic] garbage," the professional "ex-gay" advocates have launched an effort to both punish Graham and raise funds for their continued snake oil sales. Here's what that looks like:
Teach the NEA how to write!
Recently, PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays) received some correspondence from an NEA employee, a journalist who writes for NEA Today. The NEA correspondence was in response to an email from PFOX on the ex-gay community’s declaration for equal access and equal treatment in our nation’s schools. The journalist’s comment was brief and to the point -- “Please stop sending us you’re garbage. Sincerely, the Majority of America.”
This bigoted email came from an organization that, in a press release favoring same-sex marriage, states that the NEA supports “fairness, inclusion and freedom for all.” Worse yet, this email was written by an NEA journalist who apparently needs a refresher course on the correct use of the word “you’re.” You’re means ‘you are’ -- even a 5th grader knows that. The NEA journalist’s attempt at writing shows the sad state of our public schools today due to the NEA’s influence. Perhaps the quality public education of which the NEA boasts should start with its own employees?
PFOX filed a complaint with the NEA against this journalist. We also urged the NEA to institute reforms by specifically including ex-gays in all diversity and equality statements. We asked that they appoint a representative from the NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus to the NEA Sexual Orientation Committee. We have had no response.
We will continue in our efforts to bring true acceptance for ALL. But, we need your help. The NEA is powerful and well-funded, as are many of the adversaries we face. BUT OUR VOICE CANNOT BE SILENCED! YOUR VOICE CANNOT BE SILENCED! Click here at http://pfox.org/donate.html to contribute today by mail or online so that this generation learns the real meaning of equality. They deserve no less.
FULL: Teach the NEA how to write! [PFOX]
"Teach the NEA to write"? Oh please. This coming from an organization that routinely writes "ex-gay," without the quotes, as if that flux state between recognized sexual orientations is actually a thing.
What next, PFOX—gonna school fashion writers on the proper use of closets?