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Scott Lively chooses campaign motto; 'Crimes. Against. Humanity.' lost out

by Jeremy Hooper

You likely know that Scott Lively, one of the most proudly anti-LGBT people working in the public sphere, is making a soon-to-be-losing bid for governor of Massachusetts. What you might not have heard is the motto that he, the man currently on trial for crimes against humanity, chose for his campaign:

His campaign motto is "Qualified. Experienced. Electable." Publicly available campaign finance records show he has about $3,000 in his coffers, including a $2,000 loan to himself. [SOURCE: The Republican]

Wait, "qualified. experienced. electable."? Qu.E.E.? Why Scott's just one suffixed "R" away from ensuring that his entire professional life is guided by Qu.E.E.R. obsession.

But regardless of its lettering, you also have to scoff at the words in the motto. "Qualified"? Um, how exactly does fomenting worldwide antipathy for a certain minority population qualify one for a state's executive office? "Experienced"? Is writing a book that essentially blames the Holocaust on homosexuality really what qualifies as applicable experience? And "Electable"? How, exactly, is being rabidly anti-LGBT a path to electoral victory in one of the bluest and most LGBT friendly states in the nation?

Queer indeed.

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