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Wholly undeserving NOM butts its way into 'Giving Tuesday'

by Jeremy Hooper

The 92nd Street Y, a progressive organization based in NYC, started the do-gooder idea known as "Giving Tuesday." NOM, a discriminatory organization based in myth, is determined to kill its spirit:

Screen Shot 2013-12-03 At 10.27.42 Pm
[NOM's latest beg for cash]

I take it back, people who trampled each other on Black Friday in order to dupe their credit cards into believing the half-a-shekel savings were going to make the payments somehow easier—yours was not the past seven days' biggest waste of time and cash after all.

No word on how NOM will next butt its way into nice holiday traditions. Although I do hear interns are busy dubbing their voices into all known copies of It's A Wonderful Life so that the famous line instead reads, "Every time a bell rings, you should give us money so that we can make life harder and less enjoyable for gay people."

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