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Bipartisan, (R)yan?

HR 3829, the silly named “State Marriage Defense Act of 2014,” has one Republican sponsor and 27 GOP co-sponsors. It is yet another attempt by House Republicans to waste time on go-nowhere bills rather than do the work of the...

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Liberty Counsel piggybacks on #BridgeGate, defends dangerous dead ends

Hoping to latch on to the biggest story in the political media, the rabidly anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel is now trying to capitalize on the potential impropriety swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, using the potential wrong to decry something...

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#HJR3 defense: ADF's Fiedorek won't answer simple question; NOM pal Bopp can't believe victims of intolerance are so 'intolerant'

Despite traveling around the nation testifying in favor of "traditional marriage," the Alliance Defending Freedom's Kellie Fiedorek didn't feel she had a responsibility to share her own "definition of marriage. But that paled in comparison to James Bopp, the lawyer...

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FRC's latest fundraising pitch: Servicemembers' weddings are 'desecrating' military chapels

This nation's brave service members fight to the potential death so that groups like the Family Research Council can have their say. But when those same service members who happen to be gay find a loving partner with whom they...

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Preview of today's IN marriage hearing: Reasoned arguments based in civil law vs. 'it's an abomination'

WISH-TV, Indianapolis' CBS affiliate, has a preview of today's hearing on a proposed ban to alter the Indiana state constitution so that it is an expressed weapon against same-sex couples' civil rights. For an idea of how the arguments are...

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Extreme anti-gay activist Matt Barber erecting BarbWire; GOP moderates most likely to get cut

Matt Barber has one of the most viciously anti-LGBT quote backs in all of "Pro-Family"ville. Find some of it here. I'm not sure if Matt is still employed by the Liberty Counsel or if he's moving on, but he is...

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NOM polishes a fart, asks for feedback

Q. "What's your favorite part of our new site?" A. The back button.

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