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|| January 16, 2014 »
Audio: Fringe Massachusetts group warns Utah: 'The house is burning down and we need your fire hose'
MassResistance, the fringe Bay State group that is mostly shunned by the mainstream "pro-family" movement, is now directing its animus-driven energy toward Utah, in hopes of convincing that state that Massachusetts has been all but decimated by ten years of...
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Peter LaBarbera already telling states to ignore inevitable SCOTUS ruling favorable to marriage equality
Reports the American Family Association's One News Now site: But [Peter] LaBarbera believes that even if the Supreme Court should rule homosexual marriage legal, states should refuse to comply. [SOURCE] No word if Pete also wants these states to stamp...
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So what, Tony—you all are going to picket outside our weddings with gruesome signs and scream at people as they enter?
Of course a man who makes his living off "culture wars" wants this to be true: Except not. At all. A majority of Americans don't want to ban love or even to make it "safe, legal, and rare."Supporting LGBT human...
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Increased understanding that marriage equality is right means we should—make it a federal wrong?! Huh?
Here is NOM's reaction to the U.S. District Judge's ruling against Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage, which sounds just like the statements NOM has issued all of the other times a judge has cast the right opinion about inequality: Today,...
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Conserva-favorite pastor: POTUS is basically the AntiChrist's warmup act
Pastor Robert Jeffress, a favorite of GOP notables from Rick Perry to Tony Perkins, says that President Obama, thanks to his support for marriage equality, is paving the way for the AntiChrist's imminent arrival: "For the first time in history...
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