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Video: AFA president can spot gay men because they 'walk like a girl, a lot of 'em'

Listening to this, my mind can all too easily picture Tim Wildmon standing outside The Red Lobster, arms crossed and lips pursed in a "tsk," mumbling his dismay whenever a local male's walk is too effervescent for his liking: And...

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Oregon bakery admits truth: They just don't like homosexuality, want to 'save' gay people

If Sweet Cakes by Melissa had any semblance of a court challenge (hint: they didn't), they just lessened it. In a recently posted Facebook comment, the Orgeon bakery that supposedly denied only a same-sex wedding (as opposed to a gay...

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Video: 'Orange is the New Black' star Laverne Cox brings #CC14 to its feet; hopes those feet move into action

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Non-winning org. faults non-discriminatory opponent for non-controversial tweet

Those of us who wonk out on this LGBT political stuff often use the phrase "marriage states" as a shorthand reference to the eighteen of our fifty (plus D.C.) where marriage equality is a legal reality. The flip of that...

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