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Audio: Fringe Massachusetts group warns Utah: 'The house is burning down and we need your fire hose'
MassResistance, the fringe Bay State group that is mostly shunned by the mainstream "pro-family" movement, is now directing its animus-driven energy toward Utah, in hopes of convincing that state that Massachusetts has been all but decimated by ten years of equality:
Of course the truth (i.e. the opposite of what MassResistance usually tells) us that the Bay State has easily folded same-sex marriages into its spectrum of marital life. The state stands in support of same-sex couples and their freedom to marry, with virtually no resistance. It is more than a settled matter there, providing a model for every state where marriage equality is a real thing (which will eventually mean all states).
But hey, everyone needs a gig. If the water is cold and unfavorable in your home state, why not try a Salt Lake?
*Brian Camenker's typical rhetoric: Brian Camenker [GLAAD CAP]