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Audio: Liberty Counsel's Barber, Staver praise nation's that punish homosexuality with prison; seek same for U.S.
I rarely post full clips, but this one, from Liberty Counsel/Liberty University's Mat Staver and Matt Barber, is so chilling that I really think you need to hear the whole thing. It is so rife with demonization and false "facts" (like how they act as if the Nigeria law does nothing more than ban marriage) coupled with advocacy for nations like Uganda and Nigeria that have quite literally imposed prison sentences on homosexuality and its "promotion," that it is nothing less than an act of psychological warfare against American gays. It's downright chilling:
SOURCE: Liberty Counsel
They don't want us here, folks. Like literally. They don't want us living here as citizens of our country, openly and free. Period. Undeniably. It's no longer about rights; it's about us as people.
The worst bullies are scared bullies, and that's exactly what these activist groups are now displaying. It's clearly their last ditch. But let's be clear: a lot of good people could fall into their ditches before it's all said and done.