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Conserva-favorite pastor: POTUS is basically the AntiChrist's warmup act

by Jeremy Hooper

Pastor Robert Jeffress, a favorite of GOP notables from Rick Perry to Tony Perkins, says that President Obama, thanks to his support for marriage equality, is paving the way for the AntiChrist's imminent arrival:

"For the first time in history a president of our country has openly proposed altering one of society's (not to mention God's) most fundamental laws: that marriage should be between a man and a woman .... While I am not suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he was able to propose such a sweeping change in God's law and still win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world leader will be able to oppose God's laws without any repercussions."
Author: Obama not the Antichrist – he's just clearing the way [ONN]

Oooh, this sounds like a fun game Mr. Jeffress is playing. Here, let me try:

"John Boehner is paving the way for the rise of the unicorns!"

—Jeremy Hooper

Or maybe:

"Because of Sen. Ted Cruz' anti-LGBT stances, it's only a matter of time before the Grinch finally, at long last, steals Christmas."

—Jeremy Hooper

Or perhaps:

"You surely know about governors who push marriage bans into their state constitutions. But did you know that, because of their political stances, Gargamel, Skeletor, Wile E. Coyote, and the Decepticons will soon succeed at their dastardly plans? (*Though not Elmer Fudd. Gun control and all.)"

—Jeremy Hooper

Anyone can play!

No word if POTUS will respond to the charge that Mr. Jeffress has laid at his feet. I'll try to get a comment just as soon as he finishes his pick-up game with Satan. They love their hoops, those two.

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