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Family Research Council now agrees: Gay couples form loving relationships
It is downright hysterical to hear the Family Research Council, an organization that has denigrated LGBT people in every way imaginable (e.g. criminal sanctions for homosexuality; Satan controls gay people; claims that we are vile; etc.), claim that no one is questioning gay couples' ability to form loving relationships. But if they, an outfit that has questioned the formation gay relationships for decades, want to start helping us make this case for our obvious love, I'll take it:
In terms of policy change, it's a mere inch from an organization that opposes every right, protection, and gnat fart that benefits LGBT people's welfare. But if even this, an organization that has always held that we need to be "changed" rather than supported in any way, is planning to start offering up the concession that we do, in fact, form loving bonds? Well, it's something from which we can milk major mileage.
It's not going to make them sound softer, as their years of coarse rhetoric would take a generation (at least) to expunge. Instead, it makes their positions sound more unsupportable than ever before, and it helps people like me make the case for recognition of love that even FRC—even FRC!—understands to be reality.
Thanks, foes.