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Liberty Counsel piggybacks on #BridgeGate, defends dangerous dead ends

by Jeremy Hooper

Hoping to latch on to the biggest story in the political media, the rabidly anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel is now trying to capitalize on the potential impropriety swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, using the potential wrong to decry something that the Republican did empirically right:

Philadelphia, PA – Liberty Counsel filed its Opening Brief at the federal court of appeals against the New Jersey ban on change therapy. A3371, signed by Governor Chris Christie, prohibits licensed counselors from providing, and minors from receiving, any counsel to change or reduce unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity.

“A3371 is far more scandalous than the George Washington Bridge lane closure,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Gov. Christie signed a bill that blocks licensed counselors from providing and young people from receiving any counsel to change unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, mannerisms, or identity. This law is causing immediate harm to young people and to licensed counselors,” said Staver
Gov. Christie Blocking More than Bridges – Ban on Change Therapy Heads to Appeals Court [LC]

Nice try, "ex-gay" proponents. Only thing? The vast majority of New Jerseyans realize that trying to "pray away" or otherwise "cure" gay people is the truly scandalous idea at work here. If anything in this story is comparable to the one about closed roads and political retribution, it belongs to the movement that shuts down people's natural paths, forces them into contrived lanes to which their internal GPSes are not at all geared, and carries water for the anti-LGBT political groups and figures who need a way to justify their advocacy and/or votes.

Not to mention, the Bridgegate scandal revolves around the George Washington Brdige, where more than one LGBT kids has killed him or her self because of stigma. Probably not something this, a movement that so proudly fosters this stigma, wants to call to mind.

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