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NOM honors Martin Luther King Day by—claiming discrimination was King's Dream?!

by Jeremy Hooper

NOM killed the post right after posting it, likely because they are saving it for the long weekend. But when (or if) it does do live, here is what the National Organization For Marriage, a special interest group that infamously vowed to drive a wedge between gays and blacks, will have to say about civil rights, its history, and its future:

[Post was here; link is now dead]

So weird how NOM, supposed believers in the sanctity of man-woman marriage, ignore the one person who, by NOM's own logic, should have known MLK's heart better than anyone else:


Guess it's just easier to rely on people who have called marriage equality a "satanic plot to destroy our seed," who refer to the NAACP's push for marriage equality as "reproductive genocide," and who equate gays with pedophiles.

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