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Over 35% of Americans now deal with 'absurd results' thanks to marriage equality, says activist who thinks saying it makes it so

by Jeremy Hooper

Check out this nonsense:

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 At 8.43.32 Pm-1In states where marriage has been redefined, it has produced absurd results — in the law, in education, in religious liberties and in what is best for children, families and the common good of society,” he said. “When it comes to defining marriage, history will always be on the side of nature, biology, logic and the collective wisdom of human history.

—John Stemberger, the head of Florida's chief anti-gay organization and the man behind the anti-gay Boy Scouts alternative, Trail Life USA [Comment Source]

Absurd results? Like what, John, other than those same three or four cake baker and photographers who your "team" thinks should have some previously undiscovered "right" to flout nondiscrimination law whenever they are feeling to religious to comply?

The truth, as any objective person who lives in a marriage equality state will tell you, is that passing marriage equality in a state puts to bed a seriously divisive conversation and opens the door to benign peace. People who want to enter into a same-sex marriage are happy, spend money, and go about living rather than fighting for their lives. And people who don't like it? Well, they largely move on to something else. Hopefully something more productive. Ideally, a shared concern that we can all tackle together—one that doesn't involve cruel discrimination against certain kinds of taxpayers.

It was one thing, Mr. Stemberger, when you all made outlandish predictions before we had marriage as a lived reality. But now? Well, you might want to be careful when using the the word "absurd" in your claims or predictions. A lot of people have actually been to same-sex weddings, and many more see them all over the media. A perceptive population becomes quite good about separating the fear claims that have tried to trip up every.single.civil.rights.movement from the truth.

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