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'People don't go on TV to get married'

by Jeremy Hooper

stanton Glenn Stanton, the Focus on the Family staffer who admittedly believes that "homosexuality is a particularly evil lie of Satan," made the following charge about the weddings that aired on Sunday night's Grammys telecast:

'It’s such a confused irony, because we’re expected to believe that same-sex marriage is just like any other marriage,” he said. “But people don’t go on TV, to some big event, and get married.
Focus on the Family]


(1) There were more straight couples in the Grammys wedding than there were gay couples.

(2) A straight couple literally got married on live TV on the exact same night as the Grammys. It was a stunt that ABC aired as a special episode of The Bachelor.

(3) All these:

Tiny Tim and Miss Vicki
Today show weddings (an annual tradition since 2000)
Kate Middleton and Prince William
Prince Charles and Lady Di
Fergie and Andrew
Darva Conger and Rick Rockwell
Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich
Trista and Ryan
Adrianne Curry and Christopher Knight

Those are just from the top of my head. There are surely others.

I mean, look—I actually wouldn't have had my marriage be part of a televised event because I actually do value my (and especially my family's) privacy more than that. But the point is, if social conservatives want to play this "people don't marry on TV" card, then they are just plain going to lose. This is much more of a straight lifestyle choice.

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