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Robert Oscar López remains hopeful that kids of gays will grow up to resent them

by Jeremy Hooper

The latest from the man who will next week speak alongside NOM president Brian Brown at Utah's "traditional marriage" rally:

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 At 3.42.49 Pm"Right now, for same-sex parenting, it seems very bleak to someone like me. There seems to be an overwhelming tidal wave of support for gay parenting arrangements, from divorce with custody going to the gay ex-spouse, to gay adoption, to gestational surrogacy. I cannot lie--I feel extremely alone and isolated sometimes advocating on this issue, because so few children of same-sex couples are willing to offer critical opinions about gay parenting. The gay lobby moves swiftly and totally, destroying any dissenters in their path. Then there is the reality of how many people are eager to make money of gay dreams of parenthood: family lawyers, adoption brokers, and the reproductive technology industry.

But the flame is flickering, it has not gone out. I ask readers to take heart in the movement in opinion on adoption. As time goes on, there will be many gay couples raising children who will themselves regret the divorces, fraught adoption decisions, and third-party reproduction contracts that have made parenting possible for them. More children will come of age and speak more freely. Yes, some will remain devoted to defending their guardians' choices, while others will slowly understand what I have been saying. Communities will start to feel the loss of the erased mothers and fathers. Millions will be searching for who their mothers and fathers were, or agitating against gay guardians to have more access to their birth parents. Like the transracial adoptees brought from Asia in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, the generation of same-sex-household kids will have time for more complex discussion."
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You feel alone and isolated "because so few children of same-sex couples are willing to offer critical opinions about gay parenting"? That might just be the most self-centered, cynical, and caustic woe I've ever seen put into print.

And to publicly wish for this to change? It's equal parts heartbreaking and disgusting.


**MORE from Robert Oscar Lopez

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