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Sen. Paul to keynote NOM spinoff group's gala

by Jeremy Hooper

Robert George, Maggie Gallgher, Luis Tellez, and Sean Fieler are all prominent National Organization For Marriage personalities (cofounders, founding board member, and major donor, respectively) who now direct most of their energy to George's new group, the American Principles Project, which has the basic goal of keeping social issues (so-called) at the heart of the Republican party. In just a fe weeks, the APP will hold its annual gala; extremely anti-gay commentator Erick Erickson will emcee; Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will keynote:

[APP Gala]

No surprise to see Senator Paul, an obvious 2016 hopeful, catering to this org. He's running right. Far-right.

But don't let me stand in the way of the senator or anyone else on the conservative side who is eager to get on board APP. After all, the last time Robert and Maggie (and Luis and Sean, et al.) set up a group and tried to convince the GOP it was the way of the future, they helped us ultimately win eighteen states and re-elect America's first marriage equality president. With that kind of track record, I might join them in a post-dinner toast.

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