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The American Family Association agenda summed up in one sentence

by Jeremy Hooper

Social conservatives like Todd Starnes and Mike Huckabee spill a lot of ink and verbiage defending the American Family Association. All you really need to know about the organization and its public outreach is summed up in this highlighted line from an email blast that the AFA's One Million Moms division is sending off to advertisers who place spots on the ABC Family show The Fosters:

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 At 3.06.59 Pm
[AFA's One Million Moms]

They don't want homosexuality to be featured in a positive light. They are "appalled," even.

When it comes to deciphering the AFA's goal, there is really nothing else to say. They are not simply a "well-respected Christian ministry," as Fox News' Todd Starnes recently tried to claim. They are not a mere conservative outfit, as the various Senators and Congress members who go on AFA Radio shows like to believe. This is a decidedly hostile organization that is unwilling to accept even our fictionalized representation in television scripts. This organization believes that the only way a gay person should be visible is if that gay person is portrayed negatively. They do not want us to be seen as normal, much less accepted as so.

They would like us to disappear. That is the fact. All else is noise.

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