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The conversation we're having versus the forced monologue they want us to dignify

by Jeremy Hooper

An example of the conversation we're having versus the forced monologue they want us to dignify:

Activist who supports equality for LGBT people: "Hey, you said these really unfortunate things about LGBT people. I have links to all of them so that you can verify that you did, in fact, say them. Can you have a look and tell me whether or not you stand by them?"

Activist who opposes equality (or even peace of mind) for LGBT people: "Look, when you are in a fight, what you do? You go after the biggest guy, and you try to knock him out so the others run. That's what people like you do—you go after people who have platforms who will talk about natural marriage or talk about biblical morality and you try to knock them out and silence them to intimidate others."

Activist who supports quality for LGBT people: "So wait, I'm confused. Do you stand by your own words? Because you didn't really answer my question; you simply deflected by portraying yourself as the victim.

Activist who opposes equality (or even peace of mind) for LGBT people: "You are not about conversation. You are about demonizing and marginalizing people who hold traditional moral views."

Activist who supports equality for LGBT people: "Really? Seems to me like I'm the one trying to have a conversation; you're the one who seems to prefer a monologue. And the only reason why I know your name or care about your work is because it is geared toward demonizing and marginalizing people like me. I'm basing this on your own documented words and actions, buddy."

Activist who opposes equality (or even peace of mind) for LGBT people: "Look, I have a set of values that is grounded in scripture which many people across this country still subscribe to. In fact, they long for people who will not be choked back by political correctness but simply speak freely."

Activist who supports equality for LGBT people: "Well that's what I'm asking you to do: speak freely. But when you do speak, I'm asking you simply own the words that you, per your own free will and volition, put on the record. That is not an unfair or unreasonable request."

Activist who opposes equality (or even peace of mind) for LGBT people: "Merry Christmas."

If the anti-gay activist's words sound familiar, it's because I lifted them directly from the transcript of my Fox News appearance alongside Tony Perkins. In that appearance, I didn't get the chance to directly speak to Mr. Perkins (I requested we be on at the same time but was told he refused). But I am itching for my chance to go head-to-head and force these folks to take some damn responsibility for their own record.

in 2012 and 2013, we learned just how much the anti-LGBT leaders hate their own words repeated back to them. 2014 can and should be the year we force them to own the hefty costs that come with their free-but-aggressive speech.

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