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Today in people just doing their job: Virginia AG won't defend obviously unconstitutional state marriage ban

by Jeremy Hooper

These days, it seems like every minor "win" for the anti-equality side is immediately and resoundingly clobbered by a strong move from the right side of history. When North Carolina passed a marriage ban, President Obama came out and supported marriage. When a TV star makes horrible comments about gay people, a much bigger TV star comes out as gay.

And when an Indiana House committee advances a discriminatory marriage ban? Well, an Attorney General of a purple state reminds that committee, and the nation, that all marriage bans will someday face and fail a high court's scrutiny:

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Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, who won election in November by a 0.04% margin, will join Prop 8 victors Ted Olson and David Boies in their bid to strike down his state's ban on gay marriage.
VIRGINIA: State Attorney General To Join Olson & Boies In Marriage Ban Lawsuit [J.M.G.]

Now, of course the anti-gay side will be all like, "he's neglecting his duty. Unfair! Unfair!" But that's because they hate the fact that laws like marriage bans are held to a higher standard then whatever they claim in their artfully spun press releases. They have to rage when people who are actually trained in the law note obvious realities about the law and its application, as theirs is a movement that only exists when the B.S. they call bias is voted on "by us." When it is put before court scrutiny, it fails every time.

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