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Video: Focus on the Family's galling 'logic' on nondiscrimination laws; seriously, you have to hear this noise

by Jeremy Hooper

I swear the anti-LGBT groups have completely lost their minds over these cases involving cake bakers and florists and whatnots who are told they must comply with state nondiscrimination law. Their rationale has moved to a whole new realm of wrong-itude.

Check out this new video from Focus on the Family's "funny" guy, Stuart Shepard. In it, Stuart and his pal Bruce Hausknecht (Focus' judicial analyst) try to claim that the state law, which protects citizens from discrimination on the basis of both sexual orientation and religion, determines matters like these to be "tied." They are seriously arguing that Christians—who are, in fact, fairly protected from discrimination in their own dealings with local businesses—are also protected from the nondiscrimination laws themselves:

This is a whole new level of hubris. Their "logic" would actually invalidate these nondiscrimination laws all together, since any person who wanted to discriminate could claim one of the other categories (sex, race, etc.) as their own protection for doing so. These two are literally suggesting that discriminators have a right to discriminate precisely because of laws meant to curb discrimination.

Basically, they have a preconceived script that gives evangelical Christians who share their point of view to do whatever the hell they want to anyone else, peons as we are, and they are trying desperately to craft a "reality" that matches their goals. It's a quest for dominance hiding behind "victimhood." It's also really disgusting.


**By the way, bakery owner Aaron Klein has admitted that he simply doesn't want gay people to be seen as normal. In fact, he feels so strongly about this, that he wouldn't even let his kid see the Bully movie: Oh the irony: Anti-gay bakery owner attacked 'Bully' movie; gay acceptance is 'a LIE,' 'communist mind set' [G-A-Y]

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