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Why is FRC finally acknowledging Tony Perkins' ghost writers?
For a decade or so, the Family Research Council's daily "Washington Update" has come out under Tony Perkins name, written as if every word came from the president's pen. But now, for the first time in the many years I've been monitoring it, the latest edition now includes this distinction:
My theory: Tony, who rumor has it is gearing up to make a bid for high office, is more bothered by his years of nasty rhetoric than he would ever admit. Some truly awful things have come out via this daily "Update," and I suspect Tony is looking for some wiggle room. This way, he can claim that these words, even if attributed to him, are not really his at all. We've seen that kind of thing before with other org. heads who are asked to own comments that came out under their name.
I mean, with Tony, it would be a very minor step, considering his quote bank of just things delivered with his own voice are bad enough to forever connect him to discrimination's worst angels. But my theory stands. I'm thinking a potential candidate Perkins, who even would-be friends have called out as "extreme," is going to be in desperate search for plausible deniability.
Good luck, if so.