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|| February 13, 2014 »
Al Mohler could've saved us a lot of time if he'd issued this directive ten years ago
In an article decrying today's decision on marriage in his home state of Kentucky, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler writes the following about what he sees as the Christian calling: Christians who affirm the biblical understanding of marriage...
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NOM's increasing desperation: Now with more polygamy!
With absolutely nothing from the kitchen sink sticking to any wall in any area, the National Organization For Marriage is now raising the incline on its fear-geared "slippery slope." Check out this noise, reacting to today's decision (by a conservative...
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FRC condemns 'activist judge' (*who was appointed by George H.W. Bush on Mitch McConnell's advice)
Family Research Council on today's historic ruling bringing out-of-state marriage recognition to Kentucky: "This ruling is another example of the deep betrayal of a judicial system infected with activist judges who are legislating from the bench. If these judges want...
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Video: AIDS is a vindictive God's bioweapon
An old nugget is rebooted for the millennial generation: I would ask this gent about Sub-Saharan Africa and other locales where heterosexual sex is the number one way in which the virus is transmitted, and at pandemic levels. But something...
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Reality TV? DOJ? It's all the same in NOM's bizarre game
Q. How ridiculous has the ever-failing National Organization For Marriage become? A. Ridiculous enough to compare US Attorney General Eric Holder's fair implementation of federal marriage rights, protections, and benefits to a situation involving a reality TV star who made...
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And another one: Kentucky to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages
A state famous for its horse races just gained some ground in the march toward equality: Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck down by federal judge [Courier-Journal] I'm beginning to think we should instead note the days...
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Sochi as stand-in: Is relatively better resort town giving false sense of Russian homo-hostility?
The sports site Deadspin has an interesting take on the journalism that is going on in Sochi. Writer Barry Petchesky's argument is that local journalists who are relying on Sochi (and particularly Sochi's lone gay bar) are actually doing a...
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Indiana 'pro-marriage' commentator: Equality activists outnumbered us, were nice
After so many years of covering rallies and protests and marches and whatnots, I've come to expect the anti-equality activists to followup any and every event with spin in which they claim their side was more successful and that our...
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