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« February 13, 2014 || Return to today's G-A-Y posts || February 18, 2014 »


AFA attacks Chevrolet for remembering that gay people have families, buy cars

The ads in question feature actual families, not actors. Yet according to the rabidly pro-discrimination, proudly anti-LGBT American Family Association, Chevy just "threw in a couple of couple of children to help legitimize the impression": If you've watched any of...

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Video: Virginia's head anti-gay activist says ruling was 'less a legal argument and more a press release'

Victoria Cobb, an "ex-gay" advocate who is so committed to inequality that she refuses to even accept gay tolerance programs in schools, doesn't agree with Judge Arenda Wright Allen's awesome ruling in support of civil marriage equality. Shocker! What's funny,...

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Video: Virginia AG applauds marriage equality ruling

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GLAAD: Why does the National Organization For Marriage think it has any clout?

Why does the National Organization For Marriage think it has any clout? [GLAAD]

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Audio: Tony Perkins' constant gay talk is going to make his caller bald

A new reason for anti-gay activists to drop their obsession with LGBT topics: it's ruining the hairstyles of their listeners. Caller Ronald pleads with host Tony Perkins: [SOURCE: Washington Watch, 2/13/14] Well Ronald, until their rule bizarre commitment to fighting...

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Fox News' Starnes upset that civil rights can't be unchecked popularity contests

The man who is probably the single most committed anti-gay activist on Fox News' payroll, Todd Starnes, can't believe that taxpaying same-sex couples deserve a standard above that of a high school student council election: [@ToddStarnes] Oh no, these judges...

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