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|| March 3, 2014 »
Heritage Foundation's Anderson: I know several gay people opposed to own equality
Despite admitting in his college newspaper that gay people have a calling to be "chaste," Heritage Foundation staffer Ryan T. Anderson says he has "several" gay friends in his personal life (don't all social conservatives)? And even though those of...
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FRC will never stop branding marriage equality activists as 'evil'
After running down the writing on the wall regarding the many losses and likely losses on the marriage horizon, the Family Research Council once again instructs its supports to pray against "evil" same-sex marriages and those of us who support...
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No, NOM—your carefully spun stories are the same; the bigger story is peaceful
Reacting to Gov. Jan Brewer's veto of Arizona's license-to-discriminate bill, the National Organization for [clearly more than just] Marriage [Discrimination] wrote the following: Wherever marriage is redefined, the story is the same: florists, photographers, bakers, caterers, social hall owners—anyone who...
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CNN hosts Peter Sprigg twice in as many hours
Yesterday, as social conservatives struggled to persuade America that the now-dead Arizona law wasn't really discriminatory, CNN chose an interesting pundit for two key on-air slots. They chose a man who sits on the board of PFOX, an organization that...
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