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Audio: Tony Perkins' childlike innocence on inevitability; it's like he really didn't know he was destined to lose this fight—weird.

by Jeremy Hooper

Why didn't the media tell Americans that discrimination was inevitable? That's what FRC president Tony Perkins wants to know about the time when his team's parties were more victory and less pity:

Yes, many states made the terrible, unfortunate, backwards, history-mucking, constitutionally unsound choice to mar their constitutions with expressed discrimination against same-sex couples seeking the freedom to marry. That was wrong, and those of us who understand freedom said so at the time.

What was always comforting to us then, while we were losing at the ballot, was that the trend lines were already clear. We knew we would ultimately win. The polls were turning in our favor even then and, as we sharpened our arguments, we were seeing signs that we would start to win in legislatures, in court, and even at the ballot box (even though we really shouldn't ever have to vote on it, for or against, which was another point we made and make).

Even through the darkness, certain things were obvious. We could clearly see the way the arc of justice would bend, as it always has.

But Tony Perkins, already in his role as the head of one of America's most pro-discrimination organizations back when the toxic fart cloud of the Bush era marriage bans were ripping across the land, was living in the echo chamber that told him otherwise. He probably did think his position was the winning one because he has enough "yes men" and "yes women" around him who were willing to tell him what he wanted to hear. He also had that whole cache of misinformation (e.g. fake polls, junk science, biased think tanks, subjective consultants, etc.) that his movement concocts and pretends is sound to give him whatever "data" (those smear quotes should really be in about 75 pt. font) he needs to casually cite the next time he appeared in/on one of his likeminded media channels. He probably did wonder why the media wasn't lauding his movement's "success" and noting how ours was a nation that would inevitably and forever treat certain kinds of taxpayers as lesser under the law. He very well might have been confused by the silence or thought his lack of cheerleaders was due to liberal media bias.

That's on him and his deceptive movement, not us.

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