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Catholic 'ex-gay' advocate to high school students: Same-sex adoption is as 'similarly mean' as abortion
In a speech to Kapaun Mount Carmel Catholic High School in Wichita, Kansas, a speaker from the Catholic "ex-gay"-ish organization Courage, Dan Mattson (himself a gay man who chooses not to be gay), told the young folks that same-sex couples' adopting is "a huge act of selfishness" and downright mean. In fact, he said it was "similarly mean" to abortion:
Dan Mattson of Courage: "The short answer is that I would say no. I don't think they should be allowed to adopt kids...I'll tell you what. I have some friends, some acquaintances, who had a sperm donor. They were two women together and they wanted to have a family. Now let me ask you this: Are children a commodity? I believe that adoption between a same sex couple is viewing a child as something they need to have to have a fulfilling life. It's ultimately a huge act of selfishness, even though they're taking somebody from an orphanage. Because you know what? They're denying that child's right to a father and a mother. Now when we think about abortion as being mean to a child, I would say that adoption by a same sex couple is similarly mean because you are denying that child's right to a father and a mother out of some sentimental feeling that we want to have a two, a same sex couple to have some semblance of family. So we deny the rights of that child, that you have -- you have a mother and a father, right? [student responds: yes] So you have been granted that right by God. Childhood is, should happen from a mother and a father. And that's not to say that sometimes single parents can be a good parent, but ultimately same sex adoption is incredibly...Most teenagers don't like abortion because it's mean. Same sex adoption is similarly mean to a child in the eyes of the Church."
(h/t: Patrick Hogan)
Giving a child a warm, loving, stable home is as "mean" as ending a pregnancy? How thoroughly "pro-life"* of this self-closeted guy. (*And by "pro-life" I mean "deeply disgusting.")
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go give my daughter a big hug and renew my vow to shield her from creatures, both of the variety that go bump in the night and the ones who push dangerous theology in the daytime.
*Mattson's full talk: