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Desperate pro-discrimination group NOM resorts to pointed, personal gay-shaming

by Jeremy Hooper

NOM is an anti-gay group. It always has been an anti-gay group, NOM messengers just used to be better about hiding it behind a "protect marriage" veneer.

Those days are long gone. Check out this new horror story that reads like something from Anita Bryant's '70s era imagination:

It's a beautiful summer day in southern California. Throngs of people line streets as paraders march by. They include transvestite brides (men in wedding gowns) who strut their stuff. Nearby a float with bare-chested, heavily Nom Email 2014-02-20 Demaio Headermuscled men in tight underwear that leaves nothing to the imagination hold hands and dance on a rolling stage as rainbow flags fly behind them. Not far away women kiss other women and tattooed men embrace, pulling their half-naked bodies tight to each other. A confused-looking child watches this scene unfold as she holds a 'we celebrate diversity' sign, not exactly the type of plaything we'd expect innocent youngster to cling to.

In their midst the candidate walks down the street holding the hand of his gay lover. He waves at the crowd and smiles approvingly. These are his people, and he is at home.

Who is he? He's Carl DeMaio. A homosexual activist who calls himself a Republican. And he wants to be a Member of Congress.

FULL: Carl DeMaio's People [NOM]

"Holding the hand of his gay lover"? What next, NOM, are you going to reveal the scandal of this openly gay candidate attending brunch? Buying groceries with his "lover" in tow? Watching Modern Family and seemingly laughing with rather than at the gay couple? Seriously, I can barely stand the anticipation. What other juicy details are you going to unveil to the world, you discriminatory and divisive group, you?

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