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How long before Sen. Cruz demands to see President Obama's marriage certificate?

by Jeremy Hooper

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Obviously) has been on a bit of a gay-hostile press junket the past few days, appearing on all of the usual attack shows (Tony Perkins' Washington Update, Janet Mefferd, Wallbuilders Live, etc.) trying to sell his silly little bill that hopes to sneak the Defense of Marriage Act back into law. In every appearance, he's said some variant of this:


This president has made a huge deal about how "living above the store" is the best perk of his job since it allows him to be with his family most nights. His marriage of Screen Shot 2014-02-18 At 9.01.34 Pmtwenty-one years is by all accounts strong, and his daughters are clearly the biggest figures in his life of big figures. This family makes the Cleavers and the Bradys seem almost dysfunctional by comparison.

But that's what's particularly nasty and inhumane about the far-right's attacks on this president: they don't even need a kernel of truth in order to veer off into "He's a [insert supposedly scary thing]!!!!" world. Sen. Cruz doesn't feel like he has to honor the Obamas marriage and family, or actually listen to the truly positive things he says when he advocates for more marriages. That wouldn't work with the fiction they want to sell, so they just go ahead and turn President Obama's actuality into whatever they want it to be. "HE HATES TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE!" is the attack line, even if "he's quite a big fan of marriage, actually" is the true tag.

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