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Massachusetts anti-LGBT group: Pro-LGBT teachers are 'truly bad' (/evil)

by Jeremy Hooper

201402100919In a missive where they beg for donations so that they can wage a full-on onslaught against inclusive teaching, the MassResistance organization lays the following charge upon any public school official who pushes for basic LGBT acceptance:

For two decades we've been helping parents deal with schools and public officials in reaction to the kinds of things listed above (and worse). After seeing it up close for that long, we've concluded that the teachers and school officials (and politicians) doing these things to kids are not simply misguided. In our experience, they are truly bad (some might say evil) people. They know very well how these things affect children. Most of the time the effects are very visible to them. They've had it explained to them by us and many others. They know the anguish that parents have about it, and they purposefully mislead parents or don't inform them or offer them a choice. They refuse to consider or even acknowledge any data or information that contradicts their agenda in any way. This is very dangerous, since they are dealing vulnerable human beings. But in our long experience, they simply don't care. Whatever vague utopia they're trying to achieve justifies the means. [MassResistance]

So what are people who stand outside restrooms and film people as they enter and exit? Because that is just one of the many truly nuts things that MassResistance has done in order to convince tolerant Massachusetts that being nasty to certain neighbors is somehow a social good.

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