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'Militant cadre of radicals'

by Jeremy Hooper

In the Nation Organization for Marriage's latest, which is one of the most desperate pleas for cash in the organization's nearly seven years of existence, president Brian Brown (/his ghostwriter) has a freshly minted branding for those of us who value love, commitment, family, and equal rights and protections under the law:

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No, NOM—you're up against a ticking clock. And eighteenth birthdays. And the public's familiarity with the gay guys next door. And better understanding of civil law and why we don't vote on majority protections. And common decency.

But feel free to call us a screaming pen of rabid howler monkeys, if it makes you feel better. When the future looks back and considers the team that pushed for the peaceful granting of marriages and the team that forcibly stripped rights for a minority population, I'm more than confident that our legacy will weather your increasingly hysterical attacks.

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