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Nevada AG, Gov get jump on inevitable; won't waste time defending discrimination in court

by Jeremy Hooper

Nevada Citing a recent 9th Circuit ruling that said jurors can't be removed from a trial because of sexual orientation, Nevada's Democratic attorney general and Republican governor have both dropped defense of the state's discriminatory ban on same-sex marriage:

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Nevada's attorney general and governor said Monday that they won't defend the state's gay marriage ban when it goes before a federal appeals court, saying that a recent court decision makes the state's arguments supporting its constitutional amendment "no longer defensible."
KEEP READING: Nevada officials won't defend gay marriage ban [AP via Yahoo!]

Well it never was defensible. Gah, so frustrating! Had all of these insistent dividers and/or bystanders listened to us back at the turn of the millennium, we could've avoided over a decade of heartache. Over a decade of squandered good will. A crap ton of money!

And NOM. OMG, NOM! That could still be just a fun way to make the sounding of munching on food; we would have no reason to associate the onomatopoeia with crude bias. A world that never knew a National Organization For Marriage would be a nicer world indeed (*even if the constant failure that is NOM has unwittingly helped us win).

Seriously, America: you owe us some time and energy. Those of us who found the way to history's long side long before the convenient maps were printed did, in fact, know what we were talking about. Now that this has become starkly clear, you fellow citizens owe us a listen the next time we tell you something is bad, wrong, and destined to go away.

So about those assault weapons...

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