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NOM to 'NY Times': Essentially all we do now is bully moderate GOP lawmakers

by Jeremy Hooper

I was a little surprised to see National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown being so candid with the New York Times. In a weekend piece, writers Trip Gabriel and Sheryl Gay Stolberg find Brian pretty much acknowledging that his side would lose a ballot fight in Oregon while admitting that NOM's work is now dedicated, virtually in full, to knocking out any GOP lawmaker who dissents with NOM on this one issue:

Screen Shot 2014-02-24 At 9.31.30 AmOpponents of same-sex marriage are braced for a loss should the measure wind up on the ballot in Oregon. Brian S. Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said that much of his group’s work this year would be focused on defeating candidates in Republican primaries who support same-sex marriage. In Ohio, he is looking ahead to 2016, when Senator Rob Portman, the Republican who reversed his position on same-sex marriage after his son came out as gay, will be up for re-election. [NYT]

So they'll defeat more moderate GOP candidates in primaries and replace them with Christine O'Donnell–style Tea Partiers, which will then hand many (if not a great majority) of these seats to the Democratic challenger. We've seen this play out many times before. It's ultimately a losing tactic that flies in the face of the political "do no harm" rule. And this is true, even if it delivers one or two "wins" from which NOM can fundraise.

Yet again, I have to wonder why NOM thinks it has the capital to say stuff like this. This organization has won next to nothing, its past two years' track record is one of the worst in American politics, and its agenda flies in the face of all credible polling. What responsible Republican politico would embolden this clearly corrosive brand?!

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