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NOM's 2nd pro-discrimination march to coincide with Civil Rights Act's 50th anniv.

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 At 9.44.56 AmI've been racking my brain to come up with a reason why pro-discrimination special interest group the National Organization For Marriage chose seemingly arbitrary date of June 19, 2014 for its second "March for Marriage." This morning I realized it: June 19, 1964 was the day that the US Senate approved the Civil Rights Act on 1964, which of course barred discrimination based on race, religion, color, and national origin in public accommodations. I would bet you a million bucks that NOM is going to try to parlay this anniversary into advocacy for their new attempts to enact "religious freedom" laws.

It makes total "sense." NOM is all about claiming that theirs is the true civil rights act of our time, and the NOM crowd is determined to dupe America into believing that folks who share their exclusionary view are the ones being targeted in public accommodations. Since the 50th anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act will certainly find its way in the news cycle, NOM is likely hoping to capitalize on the attention and spin its way into relevance. They are likely hoping that reporters in search of "balance" and commentators who enjoy contrarianism (not to mention their own likeminded media channels) will help them push this new meme about the discriminator being the "victim" of discrimination. This is the new phase of their fight.

It would be so like NOM to do this.

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