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Robert Oscar Lopez parlays Woody Allen's heterosexual behavior into attack on gay parents
Robert Oscar Lopez, the suddenly omnipresent "protect marriage" speaker who's quite fond of equating same-sex parents with slave owners, is now using an acclaimed filmmakers thoroughly heterosexual activities (and allegations involving the same) to suggest that gay people make for bad parents. So gross:
From the atrocious seduction of his adopted daughter from South Korea to these bombshell charges regarding Mia Farrow's daughter, Woody Allen exemplifies why we cannot rely upon the popularity or public affection toward a figure as an indicator of whether the parenting arrangements championed by that person are good for kids.
We may like Neil Patrick Harris, Elton John, Ricky Martin, and Perez Hilton, but they are promoting, rather obnoxiously, homes without mothers in them, and then asking us to assume that their kids are going to benefit from such an arrangement. Learn the lessons of the Woody Allen case -- be skeptical, ask tough questions, do not abide by experts or people with awards under their [sic; post cuts off here mid sentence]
Woody Allen, child abuse, sexuality [English Manif]
Or, you know, the reason why we can't trust straight people to parent without chastity belts. That would actually be the more sound application of logic here (as silly as the suggestion may be).
But of course Mr. Lopez won't land any more speaking gigs going after heterosexuals, their sex lives, or their ability to parent, so he shoe horns yet another anti-gay attack into his fancifully rabid imagination. It's not a day in Mr. Lopez' world unless some kid of a gay parent somewhere is feeling just a little shittier about what he or she had thought was a nice, sweet, loving home.
I've never disliked an activist or his advocacy more than I dislike this man and his work. And although it's uncharacteristic of me, in this case I really do mean that personally. His nonstop attempt to denigrate certain kinds of families (i.e. families like mine) has gone way too far. It's quite personal for me.