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Sham 'ex-gay' org shows 10th Circuit the animus that animates 'protect marriage' movement

by Jeremy Hooper

Arguing that "the substantially negative outcome associated with homosexual behavior and identity reveal that changes in social and legal policy concerning same-sex marriage are not merited and should be rejected," the widely discredited organization NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) has filed an amicus brief urging the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold Oklahoma and Utah's bans on same-sex marriage. The equally anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel filed the paperwork, just in case NARTH alone wasn't enough to dislodge the "it's just about protecting marriage" mask that the more pragmatic members of the opposition movement try to affix whenever going to court on these matters.

The full filing is below. Oddly, there's no order form in the back for those who'd like to receive more snake oil:

021014 - Brief - Amicus Curiae NARTH

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