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The 'activist' in question is Mitch McConnell, FRC

by Jeremy Hooper

In the latest attempt to turn U.S. District Judge John Heyburn into an "activist" because he decided that the state of Kentucky must allow out-of-state same-sex unions, the Family Research Council writes the following:

In the meantime, these cases, which are exploding in states across the country, only point to a deeper problem in the GOP's judicial philosophy. For the last several years, Senate Republicans, with the exception of a courageous few, seem relatively unconcerned about the ideology of lower level judges and vote them through without vetting. As a result, our judicial system has been infected with activist judges that undermine the rule of law. Now, thanks to the GOP's indifference, Americans are caught in an avalanche of bad decisions that only reinforce the President's lawlessness. And the victims are states like Kentucky, who watch helplessly as judges set a match to their constitutions.
Kentucky Fried Constitution [FRC]

The thing FRC leaves out? That Judge Heyburn isn't only a Republican himself (who served as a delegate at both the '84 and '88 Republican Conventions and proudly touts as much in his bio), but he was actually appointed to his judgeship by a Republican president precisely because of advisement from—wait for it, wait for it, wait for it—the CURRENT LEADER OF THE SENATE REPUBLICANS! I'm no kidding. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for whom Heyburn once served as special counsel, is, by all accounts, the primary reason why George H.W. Bush considered him for his position. So it's not just "indifference" on the part of Senate Republicans that led to yesterday's decision—it's active leadership!

Go ahead and go after Sen. McConnell, FRC. I can promise you that it's one time you'll hear no pushback from me. The sound of me popping popcorn, perhaps, but no pushback.

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