« March 11, 2014 ||
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|| March 13, 2014 »
Tony Perkins thinks we're scared to debate him, can only call him names; I should stop guffawing by tomorrow (maybe)
I have probably challenged Tony Perkins more than any American writer. For nine years I have pushed back on everything he has written and said. In those nine years—a whopping 883 posts on this site alone, in my first book,...
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What the hell is going on in ADF's confusing new attempt at a meme?
Check out this new Alliance Defending Freedom social media graphic, which I found on the National Organization For Marriage's Facebook page: Can someone please explain to me what they're trying to say? At first glance, it looks like the gay...
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Discriminatory group defends discrimination by grouping discrimination victims with other discriminatory groups
Of course the problem with all of the faux "religious freedom" cases is that the bakers and florists and photographers and innkeepers wanted to deny a service that the do, in fact, offer (wedding cakes, floral arrangements, family wedding portraits,...
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