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A question for the (dark) ages: Who needs global support when you have forcibly jailed gay people?

by Jeremy Hooper

David Bahati, the man behind Uganda's jail-the-gays bill (and the one who was behind it when it was still the kill-the-gays bill) says any loss in funding or support is worth it because gay people need to be stopped:

Uganda anti-gay bill author says aid cuts small price to pay [Reuters via Yahoo!]

Because who needs public support, foreign aid, or a sustainable reputation when you have shocking, brutally dehumanizing, near-genocidal tourism campaign to promote your country?

And besides, they can just sell off all of the jailed gay people's personal property and use that for funding. Or they can take pictures of the criminalized gay people and sell them as motivational posters to rabidly anti-gay people in other nations. Or, perhaps, the Ugandan government can bottle the tears from the poor souls lives they've brutally crushed and sell those for profit?

Profitable possibilities abound. Decency, schmency.

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