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Chick-fil-A CEO keeps alienation on the menu

by Jeremy Hooper

In 2012, the far-right rallied around Chick-fil-a head Dan "gays are bringing God's judgement" Cathy in one of the most overstated and falsely reassuring political stunts in recent memory. Now, less than two years later, the same far-right is losing its ever-loving chicken poop over the fact that Mr. Cathy has vowed to get out of the marraige conversation altogether.

This is some of what it looks like:

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[All links from Twitter]

So now Mr. Cathy has himself in a pickle, much like the one the company puts on its famous sandwiches. He's still anti-gay, by both his deeds and his own admission, so it's highly unlikely that he's going to get an influx of LGBT customers or allies; that damage has been done and will likely last for some time. But now he also managed to really piss off his most fervent customer base in a development that is just now picking up as people like the above message it out to their larger support networks.

Cathy's managed to do the unthinkable: unite the anti-LGBT and the pro-LGBT activists, if not in tone or political goals, than in the decided pursuit other fast food options. What a mess you made there, Mr. Cathy. The company's reputation is now even more political than it ever was, with a blur of "sides" that is likely to fatigue many fans of fried fowl.

I tried to tell you years ago, my man, that this was a bad idea

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