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Coming soon: Fox News reporter's anti-gay fear book fosters far-right fetish for gathering storms
Check out this ridiculous ad copy promoting the new book from Fox News' most proudly and pointedly anti-LGBT reporter, Todd Starnes:
[The literary work of Todd Starnes, the Fox News reporter who serves as a middle man/shit-stirrer between the most rabid anti-LGBT groups working in America and his mainstream media employer]
(1) Neither the Chick nor the Duck matter was about a "traditional marriage stance." In the former, the company head said gays bring God's judgement and donated to several anti-LGBT causes, so people like me took note of those facts and based our consumer decisions off of them; in the latter, a reality TV personality equality homosexuality with bestiality and made other unfortunate comments about sexuality and race, turning many off to a show that most had seen as little more than harmless fun. In both cases, the men at the center chose their fortunes. They acted; we reacted.
(2) Not one anti-LGBT Christian has been denied of "free speech." They speak against us—loudly. Some of them even write books.
(3) If you anti-LGBT activists must continue to use dangerous imagery to scare America about the natural disaster supposedly attached to our lives, loves, and rights, can you at least be creative about it? Maybe try a volcano. Or see if Godzilla wants to come out of retirement. Or get all modern and invoke chemical warfare. I don't know—I'm not the pro-discrimination advocate hellbent on discriminating against a minority population, so I'm not going to spend time coming up with more ideas. But I do implore you all to come up with some. That storm imagery is so lame and tired.