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Cupid finally let's us know what's not okay (Discrimination. It's discrimination)

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-03-31 At 7.13.12 PmIn protest of the donation that Mozilla's new CEO, Brendan Eich, made in support of the discriminatory Proposition 8, OKCupid is running a message that blocks users of the company's Firefox browser from easily accessing the dating site and encourages them to choose another web conduit:

Dating site OkCupid blocks Mozilla Firefox after CEO's anti-gay donation [GLAAD]

Hey, that's what happens when you go on a blind date with history's wrong side: what might seem enchanting at the beginning will lead to a walk of shame just a short time later.

So far, no response from Eich. Or maybe he did respond, you just can't hear him from so deep down in the hole that he made for his company.

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