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FINALLY! A conservative in conservative media outlet admits animus drives 'protect marriage' fight
Linda Harvey just did what few other conservative commentators will do. Writing for WND, Harvey came out and admitted that the anti-equality fight has absolutely nothing to do with "protecting traditional marriage" and has everything to do with disliking homosexuality:
We aren’t fighting to protect marriage because the term and tradition are important. Let’s be honest that the only reason for this dispute is because people want to engage in anatomically challenged behavior that is observably unnatural, medically risky, improper as an example for children, and changeable.
And it’s a behavior God calls sin. There is no other biblical description of homosexuality except always and only a big taboo.
So in view of marriage law or public accommodations, could the immorality of homosexuality be a rationale for refusing to honor same-sex nuptials? Absolutely, it should be.
FULL (there is much more beyond this one quote; the whole piece is worth a glance): Sin vs. service: The issue is virtue [WND]
Thanks, unwitting ally! May the National Organization For Marriage make you its next president, the ADF put you on the stand as a key witness, and your entire animus-driven movement become so honest.