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FRC invites Oregon's discriminatory bakers to speak at Values Voter Summit

by Jeremy Hooper

It's always funny to see the list of "invited speakers" that the Family Research Council announces to boost ticket sales. The list is a reliable mix of hopefuls ranging from obvious (Huckabee) to unlikely (Gary Sinise) to aspirational (Rush) to never-gonna-happen (in '07, FRC invited both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama). The idea is to tempt, tease, and pander with a robust blend of actual conservative celebrities, far-right politicians, and that year's far-right causes célèbres, even though that full list will never show up to the party. They never do.

This year, FRC is hoping to boost ticket sales with the names Aaron & Melissa Klein, a pair of speakers notable for doing nothing more than discriminating against gay customers hoping to purchase their goods:

Screen Shot 2014-03-23 At 9.37.06 Pm

Because that is the current state of conservative politics in America. Here at an event filled with Republican lawmakers (they reliably show) trying to make the case for their party brand, bakers who turn away gays qualify as headlining speakers.

Keep in mind, that few in the audience will have taste the duo's goods. Their proficiency with a pastry bag and a rolling pin (i.e. the things that usually earn a baker a prominent invite) is surely unfamiliar to virtually everyone (if not everyone) in the hall that day. These two are conserva-stars-in-making not for what they have done but for what they wouldn't do: accommodate gay customers in a civil and peaceful way.

What a movement!

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