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FRC prays for World Vision's 'repentance'

by Jeremy Hooper

The in-ever-way-anti-gay Family Research Council isn't satisfied with Christian charity World Vision simply going back on its word and testifying to the world that discrimination against certain kinds of Christians is a fine and even good thing. No, no—FRC is praying for World Vision's "repentance" too:

Screen Shot 2014-03-28 At 8.22.23 Am
[Family Research Council]

This coming from an organization whose senior staffers claim that gay people are controlled by "their malevolent master the devil," that marriage equality is "evil," that they would prefer to "export" gays from the United States, and demands that gays have "an emptiness within." God's word? You can decide for yourself.

But hey, World Vision chose to go this direction, and World Vision is now beholden to this shockingly hostile movement. Enjoy each other, kiddos.

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