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Group that failed to make trans students more vulnerable at school compares CA government to Stalin's Russia

by Jeremy Hooper

Months before their failure to advance their anti-trans measure was confirmed, the grossly misnamed "Privacy For All Students" coalition was laying groundwork for what they would say after they lost. Their overall tone, then: the CA government is against us, and we would've been on the 2014 ballot otherwise.

Over the weekend, the org took the post-loss spin up a notch, equating CA officials with Stalin:

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 At 12.09.46 Pm [PFAS]

Is it really so hard to believe that this coalition would come up with so many invalids? I mean, we're talking about a team that, like all anti-LGBT teams, puts fervor far before pragmatism. When you operate with a sort of angry mob mentality and tell people that they have to sign something or else (often as part of church fellowship), it's pretty easy to imagine a great number of those signatures coming from folks who are far more concerned with sending a message than they are with the realities of the process.

But as with every losing anti-LGBT coalition, this one doesn't have time for gracious loss, much less self reflection. Instead, they'll just go ahead and find a nice picture of Stalin, pull a (not-so-easily-verifiable) quote, and blame the loss on those mean Democrats and their Communistic ways. Then, like all good capitalists, they'll use this new meme to beg for money.


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