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NOM turning its 'march for marriage' into 'National Marriage Lobby Day'

by Jeremy Hooper

As you surely know, there are a few ridiculous anti-equality bills currently languishing in Congress, the product of a far right that is determined to do absolutely nothing with its time other than present distractions rather than solutions. In a few months, the National Organization For Marriage, a political distraction if there ever was one, will dedicate its second annual "march for marriage" toward encouraging these time-wasting lawmakers to keep squandering precious energy, resources, and goodwill on these discriminatory, go-nowhere attempts to harm LGBT families:

Nom Email 2014-03-18 Fundraising Lobby-Day
In the afternoon following the March, starting at 2:30, we are organizing the opportunity for Marchers from all around the country to meet with their Senator, Representative or their staff!!
The number one way marriage champions can stem this lawless onslaught is to demand that their elected representatives pass legislation that not only protects marriage and the right of states to define the institution as they deem fit, but to also protect our fundamental First Amendment rights.

Right now there are several bills before Congress that would accomplish these things, and NOM wants to make this incredible opportunity to lobby Congress on June 19th available to as many people as so desire.

FULL: National Marriage Lobby Day! [NOM]


Oh, and side note, NOM: your graphic looks somewhat like a penis.

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