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Tony Perkins: Days ago, my daughter helped World Vision feed hungry; now can't because of GAAAAAAAAAYS

by Jeremy Hooper

Tony Perkins is the latest to weigh in on Christian charity World Vision's decision to hire married gay people, and the proudly anti-LGBT Family Research Council prez is coupling his condemnation with a personal connection:

Our family has supported the work of World Vision, with one of my daughters actually participating in one of the group's "30 Hour Famines" this past weekend. But we cannot and will not support an organization that exalts the approval of the world over the authority of the Word. In the end when Christians desire the praise of man over the glory of God: they earn neither. The church should continue to support Christian aid and humanitarianism, but only through organizations that remain true to the word of God. [FRC]

So basically, three or four days ago, the Perkins brood was all about helping this charity feed the hungry. That is what these "30 Hour Famines" do: they help raise funds to end hunger. The Perkinses were so down with this cause that one of their kids chose this mission as a weekend activity.

But for the sole reason—THE. SOLE. REASON—that the charity will accept the reality of gay, married, committed Christians, World Vision is now off the table of consideration. A mission that Tony Perkins considered noble just seventy-two hours ago is now deemed unsupportable simply because of certain human beings' mere existence.

With this one, there is no hiding behind nice-sounding labels like "pro-family" or "religious freedom." This is abject hostility for us as human beings. And it's disgusting.

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